It Takes Brains

Rynston-Lobel: Hitting a Baseball is the Hardest
Skill to Pull Off in Sports. Here’s Why.

Logomasini: Safer Living with Chemistry

Everts: Stop Feeling Bad About Sweating

Gallo: How to Disagree with Someone More Powerful than You

Hinsliff: Stop Drinking, Keep Reading, Look After Your Hearing:
A Neurologist's Tips for Fighting Memory Loss and Alzheimer's

Rincón: The Argentine Author
Who Opposed Collectivism and Never Flinched

Burchyski: What Happens When You Drink a Gallon of Water a Day?

Zipper: The Case for Guerrilla Crosswalks

Bovard: Highway Robbery Continues to Be the Law of the Land

Reed: About That Che T-Shirt

Yuko: Use the 'FORD' Method to Master Small Talk

Woods: Clean Water = White Supremacy

Nocera and McLean: COVID Lockdowns Were a
Giant Experiment. It Was a Failure.

Block: Whose Fault was Hurricane Idalia?

Block: Mathematics Is Racist and Sexist Too

Block: Legalize Prostitution

Block: Geographical Diversity May Be
The Next Affirmative Action Trojan Horse

Jacobsen: Air Pollution Has Plummeted
in the U.S. Over the Last Half Century

Hutchinson: 4 Laws of Muscle

Griffiths: Juryless Trials Are a Naked Power Grab
and a Serious Threat to Liberty

Block: Whose Fault are Those Earthquakes?

Horwitz: Truth and Myth on the Gender Pay Gap

Anderson: America Is a Step Closer to Being a Banana Republic

Reed: The Grimké Sisters: The First American Women Who Labored to Ensure Freedom For All

Block: A Defense of Business

Pepin: The Immorality Of Central Planning

Solis-Mullen: So Much Hot Air: The (Fake) China Threat Strikes Again!

Carroll: Why So Many Elites Can't Stand Elon Musk

Block: The Libertarian Take on Discrimination

Block: Alex Jones is Innocent

Tucker: Never Turn Down Money

Sanchez: How a Tiny Minority Can Lead the World Toward Liberty

Kennedy: Yes, They Were Socialists:
How the Nazis Waged War on Private Property

Mueller: Understanding Russia's War:
The Strange Philosophy of Aleksandr Dugin

Paul: The Ukraine War Is A Racket

Mayssan: The End of Western Domination

Polumbo: Seattle's Nanny-State Soda Tax Backfired Spectacularly

Lewry: The Beatles, Ed Sullivan, and five
songs that changed American music forever

Shreir: What I told the students of Princeton
Show some self-respect and reclaim your freedom

Hays: Oh, Grow Up: Emerging Adults Or Spoiled Brats?

Rational Self-Interest: Capitalism Wins

Miltimore: 15 Economic, Historical, and Health Facts about Bacon

Reed: Margaret Thatcher on Socialism: 20 of Her Best Quotes

Cox: Harvard Researchers Say This One Tiny Life
Adjustment Can Reduce Depression Risk

Williams and Mihaylo: How the Best Bosses Interrupt Bias on Their Teams

Mullen: Why the Pledge of Allegiance Is Un-American

Leonhardt: Irrational Covid Fears

Baldwin: The Reason You Hate Politics

Reed: Neta Snook: The Woman Who Taught Amelia Earhart How to Fly

Williams: A Government Guide to Keeping Insulin Unaffordable: 3 Easy Steps to Hogtie a Market

Coleman: To Find Meaning in Your Work, Change How You Think About It

Reed: Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows

Paul: The "War On Terror" Comes Home

Block: Why Are There so Few Female CEOs?
It’s for the same reason there are so few women on death row.

Ferris: We're All Free to Choose on Our Own

Sowell: Black Education Matters

Bishop: An America with Two Presidents

McRae: How to Talk to Christian Voters: Liberty And Care For The Poor

Higgs: Ten Reasons Not to Abolish Slavery
Yes, there's a twist…

Hende: 5 Qualities to Look for in a Life Partner

Pattillo: The Truth Behind What Intermittent
Fasting Does to Your Body

McMaken: The Media Is Now Openly Pushing
Secession as the Election Nears

Dr. Jo Jorgensen Answers The Debate Questions

Miltimore: Why There Are So Many Wildfires in California,
but Few in the Southeastern United States

Special: Value

Sjuggerud: The Biggest Lie: 'It Takes Money to Make Money'

Breashears: How Ayn Rand's Dystopian Novella Anticipated Cancel Culture.

Miltimore: John Ioannidis Warned COVID-19 Could Be a
“Once-In-A-Century” Data Fiasco. He Was Right.

Reed: The British Parliamentarian Who Jumped Ship from Socialism

Williams: Insults to Black History

Miltimore: Kobe Bryant’s "Letter to My Younger Self"
Holds a Lesson for Us All

Hall: Portugal Won the War on Drugs by Giving It Up

Reed: No, Jesus Wasn't a Socialist

Williams: U.S. in Moral Decline

Seitz: Industrial Robots Increasingly Seen As Friend, Not Foe, To U.S. Workers

McMaken: There Are Fewer School Shootings Now Than During the 1990s

McMaken: Security Works at Disney — But Can't Work at a Public School?

Duren: Food Aid Feeds Conflict and Dependence

Slayback: Many Intellectuals Can't Stand Jordan Peterson. Why?

Hunter: The Greatest Showman and the Beauty of the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Anderson: The Big Apple's Communist Past Stirs Nostalgia

McMaken: Today's Rare Luxury Will Be
Owned by the Average Man Tomorrow

Tucker & Pritchett: The Fight For Freedom is Far from Over

Walpole: Radical Ideals Are Not Utopian Visions

Brownstein: Your New Year's Resolutions Fail Because You're Not Listening

Ferguson: A Job Is Not a Thing

RECOMMENDED — Worstall: There Is No Such Thing as Poverty in Hong Kong

Powell: Millennials Get It Wrong about Socialism

McMaken: Trump's Action on Public Lands in Utah Is Not Privatization

Miron: Legalizing Opioids Would Dramatically Reduce Overdoses

Burrus: Is Health Care a Human Right?

Tucker: Beethoven's Soundtrack to the Birth of Modernity

Hunter: Why the Worst Humans Are Able to Rise to Power

Kocur: UK's National Health Service Moves to Cut Healthcare for Smokers and the Obese

Munger: 2 Ways We're Still Superstitious about Natural Disasters

McMaken: After Vegas Shooting, It's Time to Take Private Security Seriously

Fottrell: More evidence coffee drinkers live
longer — even those ordering decaf

Tucker: Why Open Borders?

Roberts: Check Your Ideological Blind Spot

FEE: Advice for Young, Unemployed Workers

FEE: It Makes No Sense to Vilify the Kochs While Venerating FDR

The Daily Bell: How the Government Conditions Citizens to Obey

Casey Research: Doug Casey on Universal Basic Income

Tucker: Adults-Only Observations: Five Bad
Things and Five Good Things about Life

Whitehead: Run for Your Life: The American
Police State Is Coming to Get You

McMaken: United Airlines Violence Illustrates
the Problem with Government Monopolies

Caldwell: How to Think About Vladimir Putin

Calton: How the Global Drug War Pushed Down Heroin Prices

Salles: The DEA: A Good Place to Cut the Federal Budget

Shaffer: The Decline and Fall of Collectivism

Whitehead: 'We the People' Against Tyranny:
Seven Principles for Free Government

Vance: A Libertarian Primer on the Issues

Reed: Ronald McDonald or Lucretia
Borgia?: In the Long Run, We Are all Dead

Sowell: The Left And The Masses

Chris Calton: How Legal, Branded Heroin Would Make Drugs Safer

Edward Stringham: Is America Facing a Police Crisis?

Laurence Vance: The $2 Drug Test Could Destroy Your Life

Gabriel Rossman: "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
(But Still So Far): Assessing Liberland's Claim of Statehood"
from The Chicago Journal of International Law

Nick Giambruno: Doug Casey on the Deep State

David Gornoski: Law Has Become the Anonymous Violence of the Crowd

Ryan McMaken: First the UK, then Scotland … then?

Walter Williams: A Superior Vision
“…a nation of thieves.”

John Stossel: Hospital

David Stockman: Blowback: The Washington
War Party's Folly Comes Home to Roost

Mike Holly: The Long History of Government Meddling
in the American Marketplace

Jim Powell: Militant Nonviolence: A Biography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Scientists cry foul over IARC red meat-cancer conclusions

DEEP THINKING: Does Existence Make Any Sense?

Rev. Larry Beane: I Don't Believe In Religious Freedom

Walter Williams: Liberty

John Stossel: Spontaneous Order

Joe Sobran: The Reluctant Anarchist

Joseph Diedrich: The 5 Stages of Becoming an Anarchist

Richard Branson: Time to end the war on drugs

Ron Paul: National Service is Anti-Liberty and Un-American

Kurt Thies: Disruption and the Uberization of Business

John Stossel: War on Women

Thomas Sowell: The Left Versus Minorities

Peter J. Wallison: The Case for Repealing Dodd-Frank

John Stossel: Drive Free

John Stossel: Thankful for Property

Sheldon Richman: Libertarian Moral Standards Apply to Everybody

John Stossel: The Libertarian Era?

John Stossel: Privatize Everything

Debra J. Saunders: Marijuana Moves Into the Mainstream

Ryan McMaken: Water Subsidies and Shortages in the American West

John J. Miller: Football and the American Character

Patrick Barron: The First Step to a Free Detroit: Let Them Work

Thomas Sowell: The Tragedy of Isolation

Amanda Billyrock: "Race" — The Divide-and-Conquer Tool of Tyrants.

Walter Williams: Unnecessary Tragedy

Walter Williams: Minority Student Needs

Walter Williams: Are We Equal?

John Stossel: Imperial Washington

from EAG News: Wisconsin voucher school boasts 100 percent college acceptance for second year in a row

Thomas Sowell: Shepherds and Sheep

Dan Calabrese: Why raising the minimum wage does not pay for itself

Chuck Norris: Reducing Violent Crime in the US

Walter Williams: (Critical Thinking) — Experts Aren't Deities

Jonathan Goodwin: Libertarians and Abortion

John Stossel: Government Gone Bad

Thomas Sowell: Fiscal Cliff Notes

An insightful look at how language colors responsibility:
Mike Reid: The Voice of Tyranny

George Reisman: Gun Control — on the Government's Guns

John Stossel: There Ought Not to Be a Law

The amazing story of Neutral Moresnet:
Peter C. Earle: Anarchy in the Aachen

John Stossel: America, the Law-Crazed

Walter Williams: Too Much College

Thomas Sowell: The Immigration Ploy

Brian LaSorsa: Ray Bradbury: Anarchist at Heart

Robin Hanson: Why exactly should the cash price of gossip always be zero?

Max Raskin: Jonesin' for a Soda

Mark Thornton: The Hand-Sanitizer Martini

An amazing address given to the Fed! —
Robert Wenzel: New York Fed: Leave the Building!

Andrew Foy, M.D.: Hospital of Cards

Robert P. Murphy: Uncomfortable Laws from the Old Testament

Eric Phillips: Military Spending and Bastiat's "Unseen"

Thomas Sowell: The 'Fairness' Fraud

Wall Street Journal:
No Need to Panic About Global Warming

From The Wall Street Journal:
What the Bible Teaches About Capitalism

Critical Thinking from Charles Murray:
Do We Need the Department of Education?

From The Wall Street Journal: The Buffett Ruse

Ben O'Neill: Doing Your Own Thing

Mark R. Crovelli: What Is A Scientific Theory?

Brilliant, as was the subject:
Andrew Roberts: Reagan's Moral Courage

Edward Luce: Mr President, it's time to panic

This is interesting, a little strange, maybe inspiring? —
Being Unpredictable Will Free You

John Stossel: School Competition Rescues Kids

Walter Williams: Pitting Us Against Each Other

Jeffery Tucker: Steve Jobs and the Beautification of Capitalism

Thomas Sowell: Good Things

Robin of Berkeley: Black Privilege

John Stossel: David Mamet's Conversion

John Stossel: Spontaneous Order

Vasko Kohlmayer: A Fitting Prophet for our Age?

Thomas Sowell: Seductive Beliefs

Brian Fitzpatrick: Monogamous Civilizations

Douglas Farrow: Blurring Sexual Boundaries

Phillis Schlafly: Patent Act Is Dangerous to U.S. Security

Gideon Rachman: In Defence of Gloomy Columnists

Dwight Whitsett: Life Choices

Donald J. Boudreaux: If Supermarkets Were Like Public Schools

Thomas Sowell: Race and Economics

From the Houston Chronicle; March 23, 2011:
Stardom Isn't For Everyone, Music Is.

From heartcore Methodist; March 7, 2011:
Were the Churches of Christ Right After All?

From Neal Boortz: Commencement Address
(or what it would be, if I were ever invited to give one).

Daniel Enemark: Why e-mails are so easily misunderstood

The Most Dangerous Thing You'll Do All Day

There Is No Male-Female Wage Gap -

10 Habits of Genuinely Charming People


Can You Beat Procrastination?

You Have To Do The Hard Things

Docs (mostly PDFs)

Walter Block: Defending the Undefendable

Bastiat: The Law

Dale Carnegie: Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People

Anthony Esolen: The Decline of Teaching Western Civilization

Gabriel Rossman: Assessing Liberland’s Claim of Statehood

Free Market Glory!

Upwork — Hire Specialized Talent.

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FAQ for Hyperinflation Skeptics

Libertarian Thought

Why Be Libertarian?

Liberty (the journal)

From the Kibbutz to Libertarianism Very interesting!

Scott Horton show (foreign policy)

Ludwig von Mises Institute

Pennsylvania's Anarchist Experiment

The Non-Aggression Principle

Dr. Vic McCracken (ACU): Understanding The Non-Aggression Principle

Walter Block: Friedman on Intolerance: A Critique

Llewellyn H. Rockwell: The Future of Libertarianism


Calton: How the Global Drug War Pushed Down Heroin Prices

Salles: The DEA: A Good Place to Cut the Federal Budget

Thornton: Portugal's Experiment in Drug Decriminalization Has Been a Success

Chris Calton: How Legal, Branded Heroin Would Make Drugs Safer

Becker: Why Marijuana Should be Decriminalized

Posner: Should Marijuana Be Decriminalized Nationwide?

Debra J. Saunders: Marijuana Moves Into the Mainstream

Mark Thornton: Drugs: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

John Stossel: The War on Drugs: Because Prohibition Worked So Well...

John Stossel: Prohibition

George Will: The Drug Legalization Dilemma

George Will: Should the U.S. legalize hard drugs?

Mark Thornton: The Hand-Sanitizer Martini

Christian Libertarians?

The Reluctant Anarchist

Jonathan Goodwin: Tearing Out Your Eye and Quitting Your Job

Dr. Vic McCracken (ACU): Understanding The Non-Aggression Principle

Jonathan Goodwin: Libertarians and Abortion

Matt Barber: The Fool Says, ‘There is no God’

Mehan Hodder: The atheist orthodoxy that drove me to faith


Thomas Sowell: Will Dunbar Rise Again?

Thomas Sowell: Politics Versus Education

Thomas Sowell: Demonizing the Helpers

Critical Thinking from Charles Murray:
Do We Need the Department of Education?

John Stossel: The Education Blob's Revenge


Thomas Sowell: The Moral Infrastructure

Dale O'Leary: The Syndemic of STDs Among Gay Men

Rachel Gilson: I Never Became Straight. Perhaps That Was Never God's Goal.


Gerald Rogers: Marriage Advice I Wish I Would Have Had

Emily Esfahani Smith: Science Says Lasting Relationships Come Down To 2 Basic Traits

VeryWell Mind: Emotional Affairs


Plato's Take On Profit


Facebook Stat Trackers

Just plain good: How to be humble

Just plain fun: 5-minute Management Course

6 Habits of Remarkably Likable People


Heidi and the Ants

Epic newspaper engagement announcements


7 Tips For Avoiding In-Flight Germs


The Roads to Smaller Social Security Checks, Part 1